
Jason Ware - Fire Chief Pct 3 VFD - 6/30/2022

I am Jason Ware, Fire Chief for the Brazos County Pct 3 VFD, and I am responsible for the emergency response for that area of the county. This flooding issue was brought to my attention and I have a lot of concerns. When this section of roadway floods it isolates several residents from emergency care. Due to the condition of the water crossing I would feel very uncomfortable allowing any of my fire apparatus to cross this section of roadway due to the amount of water that crosses there and I am concerned about the structural stability of this crossing as well. However in a life or death situation the determination to cross or not would be made by the ranking officer on board that apparatus at that time. But we would be putting firefighter/EMS personnel in jeopardy if they chose to cross. 

Depending on the type of emergency a helicopter could possibility be used to access that side of the creek, if they are able to fly, but would have issues with a helicopter landing zone. With this crossing the way it is during a heavy rain event we would have access issues to the numerous residences on the other side.